How To Take Your Company To The Next Level


2024 will be the year that many people try to take their business to the next level and grow into new markets. For the past few years, the main priority for many has been survival through tough economic times – the pandemic lockdowns and multiple international conflicts have caused inflation, supply chain ruptures, and decreased investment. However, 2024 seems to be different as the world is slowly recovering and getting back to a new sense of normal. Here are 7 ways you can take your company to the next level.

Upskilling Your Staff

Ensuring that your staff have the right tools and training to be able to grow into their role and take your company to the next level is paramount if you truly want to succeed. When you invest in courses, coaching, training and tools for your staff to upskill and get better at their role, your company will be able to take on more work – or even more advanced and difficult projects, pushing your company’s growth forward. You can invest in everything from accounting and digital marketing courses to construction NVQs to help your staff develop and grow – alongside your business.

Investing In Good Software

You could be holding your company back by neglecting your software and equipment. When your staff are working with outdated or problematic software alongside older versions of computers and phones, they can’t work as efficiently as they could with up-to-date software. Outdated software and equipment could slow your staff down, meaning that their time is wasted. When you keep everything your staff needs up-to-date, you can make your staff more productive and get more out of your workforce.

Refining Your Organisational Structure

Speaking of organisation and productivity, when you refine and streamline your organisational structure, you can really get the most out of your staff. One of the worst problems that can create challenges in a workplace is an unclear work structure and clumsy organisational structures. When your staff aren’t clear about who to go to, or what to do in a specific situation, it slows down the workplace and means that a lot of time is wasted. However, when you make specific strategies, goals and protocol your staff will be a lot clearer on what they need to do or who they need to see.

Set SMART Goals

Setting goals and targets for your business is one of the best things you can do if you want to accurately measure your growth and development – but you need to make sure they’re SMART. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. If you set goals that are too vague or not quantifiable, you won’t be able to truly see your progression. If they’re too ambitious, you won’t be able to reach them in time, making it more likely that you’ll give up. Setting SMART goals is one of the best things you can do if you want to support your company’s growth and take it to the next level.

Invest In Your Marketing Team

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Marketing is one of the best things you can do if you want to take your business to the next level and grow it even more. When you invest in great marketing, you can make sure that more potential customers and leads will know about your business. Investing in both traditional and digital marketing, such as print, radio, TV, social media marketing, SEO, PPC and more can help you grow your brand identity and put yourself in front of more people. Having a fantastic marketing team is a key part of growth and taking your company to the next level.

Make Connections and Develop Your Network

No man is an island – and no business is, either. Many entrepreneurs and experienced business owners will tell you that the key part of growing your company is having a fantastic network. When you have a diverse and large network, you can find people who will provide customers or clients, industry knowledge and expertise or perhaps just friendly advice. Meeting fellow entrepreneurs and industry contacts at events and on social media platforms like LinkedIn to grow your network is one of the best things you could do – you never know who could help you in a pinch.

Start Developing Sustainable Practices

The green economy will soon take over – and you need to prepare your company by implementing sustainable principles and defining yourself as a green economy. A study by Deloitte spanning multiple industries found that over a quarter of consumers are more likely to consider a brand’s sustainability over price when choosing a product – if you neglect this, you could be left behind by competitors that modernise and incorporate sustainability. Investing in green skills training for your staff as well as investing in sustainable projects could be one of the best things you can do to prepare your company for the green economy, and take your business to the next level.