What Is an Air Cleaner Filter & How Does It Work?


Various types of allergies affect millions of people each year. Combined with the constant increase in pollen counts across the country, now is the perfect time to invest in an air filter.

Air filters are currently on the rise, partly because of the growing need for better air quality. Given that indoor air has high levels of certain pollutants, having air purifiers at home is a practical solution to cleanse the air in your home. But what are air filters and how do they ease the symptoms of many respiratory illnesses?

Here are a few aspects that you need to know about air cleaner filters and how they work.

What is an air cleaner filter?

An air filter is an electronic device that eliminates solid airborne particles proven to be generally harmful to a person’s health once it passes through the lungs. The particles may include pollen, dust, fibres and germs.

The device utilises both chemical and physical processes using foam, fibrous pleated paper and cotton. It also uses activated charcoal, chemicals and absorbent to filter the air as it passes through.

Various establishments, such as buildings, public areas and transportation establishments, rely on air filters to ensure cleaner air filtration in their facilities. It also includes other industries that constantly deal with pollution daily.

How does an air cleaner filter work?

Air cleaner filter works by drawing the surrounding air to penetrate through the filter medium with fine openings. The solid particles then get trapped inside the medium filter as they get separated from the air passing through. You need to ensure that you clean or replace the medium filter regularly to prevent any dirt from clogging the airflow.

Different air cleaners use different filters. Some may only remove tiny particles, while other air cleaner filters sanitise them, too. The exact size of the particle removed using an air cleaner highly depends on the type you choose. Some versions use filters to trap particles as they pass through them. Meanwhile, there are air purifiers that neutralise foreign particles in the air without the need to filter them.

Are air cleaner filters effective?

Yes, they are effective. However, air cleaner filters won’t remove all the foreign particles inside your home. That’s because most of these particles tend to stick on surfaces, such as your furniture or walls.

However, air cleaner filters can be an excellent part of your home’s entire air cleaning system to help you stay protected from allergens and other particles that may affect your health. Here are a few of the particles that air purifiers can eliminate.


Allergens are foreign bodies that trigger adverse reactions to a person’s immune system. Aside from pollen and pet dander, dust mites are also one of the most common allergens that cause allergic reactions or even asthma.


Mould can also be dangerous for people with asthma or other lung ailments. Having excellent filtration can be more effective than getting rid of the mould in your house, so an air purifier in Australia can work well with indoor mould particles.


An air cleaner filter can also help get rid of the smoke inside a room. However, air filters may not be powerful enough to get rid of the smell, and you may still see some smoke stains on walls even after constant use.

Indoor toxins

You may not be aware of it, but your home may be carrying airborne allergens and diseases that can harm your body. Air purifiers can effectively trap these indoor toxins. But it’s always best to address the cause of the problem so you can get rid of it for good.

What should you look for in an air cleaner filter?


Size coverage is the first thing you need to consider when buying an air cleaner filter. You need to know the correct model type that’ll work on your room size for suitable efficacy.


True HEPA air filters are highly efficient in eliminating minute particles like dust and dander. They can also remove mould and pollen from the air inside your home. According to the industry standard, a true HEPA filter should eliminate at least 99.97% of airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns.

Clean air delivery rate rating (CADR)

CADR rating measures the efficiency of an air cleaner filter in eliminating dust, smoke and pollen. A device with a 300 CADR is good, but it’s much better if you can get one that has a 350 rating or higher.

Dust holding capacity

Dust holding capacity refers to the average dust weight that an air filter can trap. Experts use synthetic dust to determine the device’s power to remove foreign materials from the air. Higher arrestance means that the air cleaner filter can effectively eliminate large particles, including hair and lint.

Dust spot efficiency

Dust spot efficiency is the air cleaner’s ability to filtrate atmospheric dust during the staining test. The staining test utilises the device’s capacity by calculating the efficiency according to the opacity and airflow rate of upstream and downstream movement.

The bottom line

These are only a few things that you need to know about air cleaner filters. Using them in any of your rooms effectively removes harmful particles, particularly mould, smoke, viruses and allergens. If you have any health concerns or underlying medical issues, such as allergies, it’s best to consult your doctor to know of other effective ways to help improve the indoor air quality of your home. Remember that your health matters. So, it’s crucial to find products that can help you live a quality life.